in between the mugging
- C.S Lewis
chim + shup + fuzz + jo | the softballer, tennis player, councillor and judoka | (wannabe) girl jocks | 03a15 hwachonggg | arty farty humanz | travel HK | cycle pasir ris | dinner anywhere | what we have in common - our restlessness, our impassioned spirits, and a love for the open road
But the summit was worth the hike, and i felt like the queen of the hill looking at the vast valley around us amidst the whipping wind:
Queen of the Valley!
I thought it couldn't get any better, but we went on to Glacier Point, where I felt so insignificant next to jing1 zhen3 tou2 (golden pillow that has a mystical quality over people), the Half Dome:
Then proceeded to feel like a nymph at a pond. We clambered over a million rocks at the site of a waterfall that had frozen or dried up cos of the impending winter, and arrived at a little pool of water. I had to be hauled up a rock longer than me very unglamly cos muscular chim is now flabby humji chim i'm afraid. it was damn fun though, climbing rocks:
this is but a fraction of the rocks.
finally, at the end of the first day at yosemite national park, the world was suddenly bathed in gold and sepia tones as the sun set, and the trees and valley were so gorgeous that as blissful as i was, i couldn't help but ache as you guys weren't there with me. guess i'm forging memories with new people, just as you fuzzy are enjoying the company of those hot roomies of yours hehehe. i can't describe how happy i was, even with the stupid history exam at the back of my head, even with the fatigue in my bones. i was just filled with a glorious warmth, and i wanted you all to feel it too =( i wonder if the people with me felt it too.
ok somehow i can't add more photos so this is it i guess. chim is happy even though chim screwed up history. jo and shu ping, please learn from me and DON'T BE LAST MINUTE all the time. it ruins your body clock. and fuzzy... your housemate is delectable. can i visit you?
this is one of my project groups ( 2 guys short though). we are rather familiar with each other, can you tell? after a billion projects together, it is really no wonder. sigh.
deja vu as i grapple with statistics again, only that its not nicely summarized and my textbook is super thick. sat myself down in the reading room just now from 9pm to 2am trying to make sense of it. ( in between checking out my eyecandies hehe) stats.. phooey!
chim- i love how u always (try to) support my bitchiness haha! =)
fuzz- pictures! your place sounds very pretty
jo- hope u're painting london red! haha.
what do you guys think of fleeting friendships? the people i'm closest to, the ones whom i'll make an effort to see if i should learn that i'm going to die the next day, are the ones who've been with me longest leh. somehow i don' think my disappearance will make much of a difference to people i've met in the past few months. that's the way life works? you need time? but life's so short and each stage of our bloody lives is getting shorter and shorter, so much so that i've no idea who i've really connected with in that short space of time i knew that person. I'm thinking about all this cos i've been reflecting on the american system where you go to classes with many different people cos no fixed classroom system like singapore. And i'm so grateful for our system cos it's so much more personal i feel. but more cocoon-like, and so maybe we don't bother breaking out of our individual spheres in our lives, and our incestuous circles perpetuate. but should we bother connecting with people dissimilar to ourselves? is it even possible? birds of a feather flock together... rambling now cos of lack of sleep. apologies my babes.