finally! after months of barely working/feeling that i'm learning, after letting my mind wander to more instantly pleasurable realms, i'm getting back the groove
the memory of that process of intellectual awakening in the Inner Asia class last semester, the professor who took an unexpected interest, and that yearning for the class not to end(!), will serve as fuel for the final sprint to the degree. i was afraid that i wouldn't graduate just a few weeks back. too many distractions - it's as though life that had been put on hold demanded all i had to offer all at once. and i let myself be consumed. ironically when i thought life was going to slow to an unbearable crawl cos of my knee.
i'm romanticizing, of course. there were moments when i resented like hell what people expected of me. and when i thought i'd lost all self-respect/dignity because i couldn't function when there was sudden silence and doubt crept into my perceptions of people around me. but i think we've all settled into a nice equilibrium, and there's a palpable desire all around to make the end beautiful. 5 more weeks of instruction, two weeks reading period, exams/papers, graduation! goodbye academia! i wonder if i'll ever feel again the way i felt at those moments of clarity and resonance that came over me after struggling over texts. i can remember every single one of those over the past 4 years. and some in JC too. scary! leaving all this behind for the next 6 years, at least. scary! relieved? don't know.
the memory of that process of intellectual awakening in the Inner Asia class last semester, the professor who took an unexpected interest, and that yearning for the class not to end(!), will serve as fuel for the final sprint to the degree. i was afraid that i wouldn't graduate just a few weeks back. too many distractions - it's as though life that had been put on hold demanded all i had to offer all at once. and i let myself be consumed. ironically when i thought life was going to slow to an unbearable crawl cos of my knee.
i'm romanticizing, of course. there were moments when i resented like hell what people expected of me. and when i thought i'd lost all self-respect/dignity because i couldn't function when there was sudden silence and doubt crept into my perceptions of people around me. but i think we've all settled into a nice equilibrium, and there's a palpable desire all around to make the end beautiful. 5 more weeks of instruction, two weeks reading period, exams/papers, graduation! goodbye academia! i wonder if i'll ever feel again the way i felt at those moments of clarity and resonance that came over me after struggling over texts. i can remember every single one of those over the past 4 years. and some in JC too. scary! leaving all this behind for the next 6 years, at least. scary! relieved? don't know.
At 12:47 AM,
shups said…
im soo happy to have my appetite back! no longer sick =)
been talking to my colleague who's going to japan tmr with the same budget ticket hx's sis and i got- im so hyped up bout japan! lovely steaming YUMMY ramen shops, kobe beef, fresh sashimi, hokkaido ice cream..........! (okay i realise its all food haha)
miss ya, chimsters. this is very random, but i realised that on our japan trip, there will be cheongsters and .........SISTERS too! haha!
fuzzy, where art thou, and how art thou? coldplay was in spore recently, and oasis this weekend. i thought of the awesome maroon 5 concert (and how we were shortchanged haha)
At 11:11 AM,
chiminychim said…
fuzzy and i are caught up in last min work now..
did you catch coldplay? or too sick to leave the house??
i'm excited about japan too! hope hx will control her teasing or you're going to see me do strange things to her.
At 12:44 AM,
shups said…
hahah don't worry i'll save you from hx's teasing =)
go do the Inner nationality quiz on facebook haha. i just did it and the analysis is scarily accurate (i think), although not the nationality part.
At 7:38 AM,
chiminychim said…
you won't save me! you'll collude with her i bet.
ok i'll do the quiz - i saw your result.
5 more weeks of work work work i'm so fed up with academia..opportunity cost of staying in to write is very high!
remember to tell me in advance what you want me to get online - i'm going to close my bank account a couple of weeks before i leave
At 8:17 PM,
shups said…
no it'll be too awkward cos we have to see him for 5 straight days! plus i know there are more impt guys to you...
i want contact lenses for sure, will go to the optician this weekend. is your luggage going to be overweight?
At 3:23 AM,
chiminychim said…
my mum's helping me bring back stuff. i'm thinking of storing luggage at the tokyo airport for 2 weeks too, if i really have too much stuff. don't worry about it, cos huixin's definitely storing luggage heh and i can just put your stuff in her bag.
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