sanest of us all
i said candid shot! most outrageous person i know
And the best pic is yet to be in my possession, with the biggest baddest barbarian of them all. let's just say piggybacking 2 people who tower over me isn't a good idea - especially when they decide it's my turn to be in the air.
Will try and show girl who torments me with affection all the time - the only person who's managed to get me to talk about myself without knowing her for years first.
Probably means something when the people i spend tonnes of time with are aspiring professors. the fit's not entirely smooth, though, and sometimes it's easier to be with the aspiring/current government people. Different conversations, more of fascination with the first and relaxed solidarity with the others. Then there're those who understand the nuances of the craziness that's naturalized into our situations, and who bear witness to my burstful spirit when i need someone who knows where i'm coming from.
a bit miffed at social and cultural studies
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