man i wish i could just hike all the time
mount kilimanjaro next year, anyone?
these days i don't think or feel in the same way as I did at Berkeley
it's just a lot of doing
wish i could slow down - two months have gone by! and the grind of work (school and club) + social obligations is making time whiz by
good or bad? i like how not unhappy i am now, how free i feel facing the world, how all i need to worry about is self-actualization rather than basic human securities
but being less burdened also means thinking less about family and the past and forgetting all that has brought me where i am today
aiyah these 9 months are just intense lah. i love my work even though it's hyperstressful, i enjoy people's company, some more than others', i'm developing a taste for loads of wine with food to make talking easier and happier, i run 5.5-6 miles almost everyday and can feel vital strength pump through me on good days, i've stopped pitying myself - but still need to give more to others. i realized i reveal painfully little about myself, unconsciously really. because there's loads or nothing to hide?
At 6:57 PM, shups said…
the pictures look great! just be happy la chimsters. the freshness and sense of adventure at every corner is probably sth you cant find in spore, everything is as always- same old, same old.
side note: were there lehman structured products sold to investors in usa? what's happening to them?
are you following the lehman minibonds saga in spore? im going to be seconded to the M*S helpline tmr onwards, to say appeasing things to angry investors haha. but quite excited bout it cos i get to join in the fray, finally.
fuzzy: why didnt we go for sailing classes over summer?
At 9:40 PM, chiminychim said…
sorry i was tired last night and unable to do any work even though i desperately needed to!
doesn't sound like same old - you're right smack in the murky dealings of the financial crisis! i'm following the lehman minibonds saga, but as for lehman structured products in the US, i get the sense that people here are more resigned to losing money over the risks they took than in singapore (maybe cos singaporeans expect the govt to do more to help them, whereas the failure of govt here is old news). and i think the big losses are coming from housing mortgage foreclosures that started before the stock market plunges, and now the loss of jobs that's rising. after bear stearns there was a lot of talk about lehman being the next to go, and people may have bailed in time. but i'm sure there people who've been burnt badly by the lehman bankruptcy, just that everyone's getting burnt from everything not just lehman here.
At 11:33 PM, shups said…
its quite scary here cos we're just waiting for the next structured pdt to bite the dust. working at the helplines is depressing, although im not picking up the calls yet. keep overhearing stories of weepy old ladies losing their savings etc. terrible!
really ah. i did a google search and it only threw up products in switz with lehman as underlying or reference entity, apart from spore and hk. which i found v v strange.
pls pass on whatever rumours you hear. my bro's friend's dad fled in time cos his contacts on wall street tipped him off the week before. rich remaining relatively rich, while all the little old ladies are the ones who didnt flee in time.
p.s go check out the foreclosure depts at banks leh. maybe the houses are cheap enough to buy. good investments!
At 3:18 PM, chiminychim said…
GRIN. i saw a commercial on tv about foreclosed houses going v cheaply and remembered your advice from months ago. but i doubt any bank will lend me money now, even if i can meet the down payment (unlikely).
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